Here’s an interesting bug I found in my old code. It’s a small typo that completely nukes an if switch, and the best part is that it is undetected by:

  • MSVC with /W4
  • clang with -Wall -Wextra
  • GCC with -Wall -Wextra

Here it is:

struct FancyString {
    enum CaseSensitivity {CaseInsensitive, CaseSensitive};
    bool contains(const char* what, CaseSensitivity = CaseSensitive);

void bug(const FancyString& log)
    if (log.contains("exception"), FancyString::CaseInsensitive)
        throw std::exception();

Do you see it?
The only reason I noticed is the new major release of the FancyString library added [[nodiscard]] where approapriate. That, of course, did finally catch this error, which was lurking in our codebase for many years.



  • [[nodiscard]] is great, don’t be lazy and always put it where appropriate.
  • Compilers need more static analysis and warnings for suspicioius code constructs.

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